At IAM, we believe in creating supportive communities, whether it is at home, school, work, or your local neighbourhood.
We also believe in supporting communities with tools and resources to help those with mental illness thrive.
CBT-p for Frontline Workers
Within communities across Ontario, workers in frontline settings are often the first to encounter an individual exhibiting signs of serious mental illness, and are oftentimes ill-equipped to mitigate interactions where they may be signs of psychosis and situations escalate.
Building capacity amongst teams is a critical success factor; and there is strong evidence that failure to access the necessary skills to work in these circumstances, can lead to higher rates of burnout, job frustration and vicarious trauma. At an organizational level, this can help curb the potential for high turnover and poor staff retention, as well as enhance collective capacity to respond to individuals exhibiting signs of serious mental illness.
Frontline professionals can include community mental health professionals, public servants, site workers or supportive staff, or anyone who by nature of their work finds themselves unable to effectively engage or communicate with someone experiencing mental health issues.
Reach out for more information, [email protected]
Click here to find out more about our CBT-p initiative.