
Cannabis resources

Cannabis Resources

Read our discussion paper on the Cannabis Act, supporting a health policy framework for laws and regulations focused on prevention, treatment, enforcement of regulations and harm reduction. 

The resources below provide information on the effects of cannabis and the risks for young people. 

Government of Ontario/Government of Canada/Health Canada

Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017

Cannabis Act, 2018

Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018

Cannabis and Mental Health

Get the Facts on Cannabis (including articles and videos)

Cannabis Toolkit (info, resources and facts to support conversations about cannabis)

Facts about drug impaired driving in Canada
Ontario Public Health Association
Position Paper on Legalization of Cannabis
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
National Research Agenda on the Health Impacts of Non-Medical Cannabis Use

“Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis” Highlight Series [Marijuana use, mental health and cognitive function, smoking while pregnant, marijuana use on driving)

A Guide to Facilitate Discussions about Youth Cannabis Use in your Community

The Effects of Youth Cannabis Use on the Developing Brain – Myth Busting (YouTube webinar)

Canadian Youth Perceptions on Cannabis

Online Learning Module for the Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence (For Stakeholders)
Canadian Public Health Association
Harm Reduction, Health Promotion, and Cannabis Screening Tools

Global Drug Survey – Safe Use Limits (online module)
Canadian Mental Health Association Ontario
Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Discussion Paper
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Submission to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Bill C-45 Cannabis Act

Canada’s Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines (brochure)

Cannabis in Canada: CAMH recommends a public health approach​
Addiction and Mental Health Ontario
Submission to Ontario’s Legalization of Cannabis Secretariat
Resources for Clinicians, Youth, and Families
Drugs Free Kids Canada
Cannabis Talk Kit: Know How to talk with your Teen (free downloadable book)
Here to Help
Learn about Cannabis Info Sheet
MADD Canada
Think Again’ (cannabis video)
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Schizophrenia of Canada Research Paper: Engaging Youth to Gain Insights into Psychosis and Cannabis Use

"The Downside of High" - The Nature of Things CBC

"What's in Today's Weed? Testing the Chemicals in Marijuana" - CBC Marketplace